Batminton Court Construction in Coimbatore, Tamilnadu
Batminton Court Construction
Ken Engineering’s professional designs go hand in glove for indoor stadiums, ramp buildings, roof covers, and much more. It offers varied steel structure which can be utilized for an open-air design with a roof system.

Main Frame
The main framing basically includes the rigid steel frames of the building. The PESB rigid frame comprises of tapered columns and tapered rafters. Flanges shall be connected to webs by means of a continuous fillet weld on one side.

The main purpose of the columns is to transfer the vertical loads to the foundations. In pre-engineered buildings, columns are made up of I sections which are most economical than others. The width and breadth will go on increasing from bottom to top of the column.

Purlins and Girts
Purlins are used on the roof; Grits are used on the walls and Eave struts are used at the intersection of the sidewall and the roof. Purlins and girts shall be cold-formed "Z" sections with stiffened flanges.